please note-   

OPTION 2   - equity participation funding

OPTION 1   - Non-Recourse funding.


Project funding

                       made easy

at this stage, where appropriate you will required to complete

OPTION 3   - hybrid mixed facility funding.


This Option requires a 10 % Shareholding of the Project Holding Company in favour of

U-Horizon Ltd but released after the loan is paid back.

If this option is chosen, the Applicant should issue Cash/Bank Instrument/Sovereign Bank Guarantee in favour of our subsidiary GHD for the amount agreed upon. This is based on 10% to 50% of the build costs.

This will be considered as a Holding Deposit for the period of the build.
Upon completion of the build, cash funds or Bank Instruments as provided are returned unencumbered.
The loan is to be repaid but repayments will not start until 5 years after the Project is completed.
The repayment period is over 10 years with NO interest due.
After the loan is repaid in full, the 10% shareholding will be redeemed

With all three Options, we will require a Schedule drawdown to be completed.
Project funding will start 45-60 days from funds being blocked.

Payments will then continue each month for the build period, thus completing the Funding process and completing your project.


  1. Non-Disclosure and Fee Protection Agreement
  2. Short form Client Information Sheet (“CIS”)
  3. Business Plan / Executive Summary
  4. Proof of Funds (“POF”) (in terms of Equity Contribution/Letter of Credit/Applicant Security Bond)
  5. Build Schedule drawdown

After these documents are received, subject to some internal due diligence, the Funder will issue its Letter of Commitment and Terms Sheet (normally within 10-14 days thereafter).


* U-HORIZON may require a €30,000 upfront commitment fee for due diligence comprising flights, meals, disbursements and anticipated third-party consultancy arrangements. This payment is subject to an audit trail and refunded on the successful first drawdown of its funding facility.

Most of the processes of funding revolve around a process called “Collateral Transfer Facilities”, which come with an agreement to extinguish any encumbrance against the Guarantee and allows it to lapse prior to expiry. They are issued under ICC758 banking protocol standards and simply through due diligence, the applicant may actually be declined their opportunity to participate.

Following the initial review of your Funding Submission Overview, the Funder will confirm its instructions to have us initiate due diligence on your portfolio and present you with its suggested Funding Options being one or a mix of either:-

  1.      Non-Recourse Funding
  2.      Equity Participation Funding
  3.      Hybrid Mixed Facility Funding


If this option is chosen, the Applicant should place his agreed Cash Funds into a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) account (Must be a top 25 Rated Bank) in the Clients name with a director from U-Horizon named as a Non-Authorized (Nominee) Signatory. 

  • ONLY the client can touch the funds. 
  • Applicant’s banker will confirm this fact. 
  • Funds will be blocked internally for the period of the build.
  • This is based on a minimum amount of 50 million

Upon completion of the build, cash Blocked funds will be returned unencumbered.
There are NO repayments of the Loan and this is a NON-RECOURSE LOAN.


A 20% Shareholding of the Project holding Company in favour of U-Horizon Ltd

If this option is chosen, the Applicant should issue Cash/Bank Instrument/Sovereign Bank Guarantee in favour of our subsidiary GHD for the amount agreed upon. This is based on 10 % to 50 % of the build costs.

This will be considered as a Holding Deposit for the period of the build.
Upon completion of the build, cash funds or Bank Instruments as provided are returned unencumbered.

There are NO repayments of the Loan, nor is there any interest due as this is covered by the 20 % shareholding.