We are always being asked for a quote. We cannot issue quotes as the Trader will issue this privately to the client.

 The client MUST complete their appropriate CIS  prior to any submission to the Trader 




Private Placement Program

Private Placement Programs (PPP) act as a bridge between the public or private sector investors and the financial markets. They provide an opportunity for a dynamic flow of funds thereby increasing the trade avenues.

Definition of High-Performance Plans or Private Placement Program-PPP

PPP is an investment system which was previously reserved only for the very wealthy, with returns dedicated in whole or in part to humanitarian works. Right now this system can access people not considered to hold great fortunes.

PPP has nothing to do with the traditional business of banking. Practically none of the professionals who are currently working in a financial institution know about this. However, in the press, we have the opportunity to read articles from the Fed and the IMF advising financial institutions to reduce the number of trading operations and engage in their traditional business.

PPP is not focused towards the public, so the person who does not have a high degree of financial knowledge will not know. It is forbidden by law to advertise it. Whoever has been involved in a PPP will never admit to it, especially as he has signed a confidentiality agreement with a Trader.

The safety of the invested capital is determined by the rules governing the secondary market. The investor is the one who orders his bank to make a block of its funds (Swift MT-760). However, this bank must always be a top 25.

For the Bank to initiate this “business” with its own funds, it is required by law, the receive the investor’s contribution collateral. This collateral can be CASH, Financial Instruments (e.g. bank guarantees, MTN's, CD's), plus assets such as bank deposits of gold or diamonds.

All contracts between the Investor and the Bank, are set under the rules of the FED, the FMI and the ICC. 

This type of investment program is only accessible by “invitation” by the Trading Platform.

 Characteristics of investment programs

a) There are basically two types of programs:

  • The traditional investment programs, which have a duration of one-year banking, or ten months, or 40 weeks continuing.
  • The so-called “SPOT” or “BULLET” Trades which last for days or weeks and hardly exceed the period of one month. These are used to boost the Investors balance

b) Income from programs

  • Yields of these programs are confidential and only the Trader corresponds directly with the Investor at the time of signing the contract. Rarely do Brokers and Advisors know sufficiently in advance any yield details of the programs.
  • We always ask investors to be wary of people who offer investment programs where monthly yields are exaggerated and outrageous.
  • Our Traders aim at all times is to create the maximum returns for the Investor.
  • Yields of these programs vary according to the time of year, according to the amount of collateral, the worldwide standing of the Investors bank, and according to the type of collateral used by the investor.
  • When we speak of returns for Investors, we always refer to gross returns, after which they take their benefits, both the financial institution and the  Trader. This is deducted from the Investors gross income, as are the nominal fees and commissions for Facilitators and Advisors.

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